Лаборатория системных технологий управления программами болезней продолжает междисциплинарный научно-познавательный цикл «Что такое болезни и как ими управлять». Сегодня 18.02.2020 наша тема: «Уровни системной организации жизни 2».
Laboratory of systemic technologies for managing disease programs continues interdisciplinary scientific and educational cycle “What are Diseases and how to Manage Them.” Today 02/18/2020 our topic is: " Levels of systemic organization of life 2."
Laboratory of systemic technologies for managing disease programs continues interdisciplinary scientific and educational cycle “What are Diseases and how to Manage Them.” Today 02/18/2020 our topic is: " Levels of systemic organization of life 2."