January 2, 2023
Dr Valeriy Revo. Topic: "Seven Global Problems”. Part II
A global forecast that is already coming true.
The Laboratory of Systemic Technologies for Management presents an interdisciplinary scientific and educational cycle: "MD, PhD, Full Professor Valeriy Revo in the interior of the portrait of Don Quixote of La Mancha" (Revo V.V., 1960, "F. I. Chaliapin in the role of Don Quixote". Oil on cardboard. 24.5 x 33.5 cm).
Last time I presented two problems and considered the possibility of solving them: “Speculation around global warming” and “Management of Human Diseases and All Living Things”. Today I present the third problem: “World Finance, Cryptocurrency”.
So, the third problem. World finance, Cryptocurrency
Today, finance is considered as the most important attribute of the economy.
Under such conditions, a tendency, speculative in content, to give money properties of a commodity that are unnatural for them, manifests itself. This only leads to the unrestrained filling of personalized financial bubbles.
The aggressive expansion of money in the economy began immediately after their appearance two or three thousand years BC. This coincided with the formation of the first states and the first religious practices.
Commodity relations before the advent of money corresponded in their content to such an archaic biological phenomenon as symbiosis. It is this form of relations that presupposes a voluntary mutual exchange of goods, first in simple, and later in complex logistical chains of a network nature.
Money initially performed the intermediary function of the equivalent of goods in commodity relations. At the same time, at first money mimicked as a commodity, but today they have begun to roughly position themselves as a commodity.
This situation is demonstrated not only by regulators at the state and interstate levels, but also by network structures independent of the state, for example, large retailers that issue their own “money”. The ultimate form of reproduction of money as a commodity today is demonstrated by various kinds of virtual currency systems, for example, the market for so-called cryptocurrencies: Bitcoins, PPCoins, DogeCoins, etc.
With the advent of money, it was assumed that they would contribute to economic development. So, it was at first. However, in the future, money began to harm the body of the economy more and more noticeably. They fulfilled their historical mission, just as the ether fulfilled its historical role in physics, giving way to the electromagnetic field, and in human physiology, many organs of his phylogenetic ancestors, which we call rudimentary, for example, wisdom teeth, coccyx, etc.
They increase chaos more and more, stimulating the accelerated growth of disorder, which, according to Erwin Schrödinger, we define as entropy.
Money, by definition, is not capable of playing the role of an objective equivalent of a commodity, since, unlike it, it is available for reproduction in any quantity. This is often used by both unscrupulous or incompetent regulators and counterfeiters. Moreover, the banking system itself in its current form is not capable of meeting its obligations in full. We will be outraged if a car we bought with a declared engine power of three hundred HP, is really capable of issuing only ten percent of them. And that's the way it is with banks.
An objective equivalent of a good can only be such another good, for the production of which it is necessary to spend comparable resources. Art objects do not count, since their value in most cases is determined by market conditions, fashion, etc.
Only the transition to the gold standard of money can restore the world economy, bringing it out of the destructive regime of chronic disease. A more acceptable standard may emerge in the future.
Another major symptom of the disease of the entire economic system is the overproduction of money in the world, which does not correspond to the resource norm of the economy, which is not able to master them in such a volume. Under these conditions, corruption objectively manifests itself as a kind of drainage, which ensures that excess money from the real economy is dumped into individual accounts.
There is a clear pattern – the higher the level of corruption, the worse things are in the economy. It is clear that under these conditions one cannot count on any success in the next fight against the objective phenomenon that corruption appears to be. It is only a symptom of a severe chronic illness with a pronounced contagious, that is, contagious component.
If we accept the postulate that any pathological process in the economy is a natural program process, then it is necessary to learn how to read and manage these programs. Today we see attempts to act only on the symptoms, which is an imitation of control technology.
To control the system in the mode of adaptation to the requirements of the environment, it is necessary to enable the negative feedback mechanism. But this requires having an exhaustive consistent, therefore, systemic model of the economy. But there is no such model, and it is impossible by definition. Nevertheless, a rational strategy for the development of the economy may well be proposed. True, for this it is necessary to use a systemic approach to this problem.
There are also no relevant specialists, since there are no worthy teachers.
It is hard to believe, but it seems that the leaders of the economies demonstrate a critical lack of education. At the same time, the situation is more like a certain controlled process, when a subjectively expedient decision is made, but not socially useful.
This is how an oligarchy is formed.
The theme "Seven Global Problems" will be continued in the next article.
Dr Valeriy Revo. Topic: "Seven Global Problems”. Part II
A global forecast that is already coming true.
The Laboratory of Systemic Technologies for Management presents an interdisciplinary scientific and educational cycle: "MD, PhD, Full Professor Valeriy Revo in the interior of the portrait of Don Quixote of La Mancha" (Revo V.V., 1960, "F. I. Chaliapin in the role of Don Quixote". Oil on cardboard. 24.5 x 33.5 cm).
Last time I presented two problems and considered the possibility of solving them: “Speculation around global warming” and “Management of Human Diseases and All Living Things”. Today I present the third problem: “World Finance, Cryptocurrency”.
So, the third problem. World finance, Cryptocurrency
Today, finance is considered as the most important attribute of the economy.
Under such conditions, a tendency, speculative in content, to give money properties of a commodity that are unnatural for them, manifests itself. This only leads to the unrestrained filling of personalized financial bubbles.
The aggressive expansion of money in the economy began immediately after their appearance two or three thousand years BC. This coincided with the formation of the first states and the first religious practices.
Commodity relations before the advent of money corresponded in their content to such an archaic biological phenomenon as symbiosis. It is this form of relations that presupposes a voluntary mutual exchange of goods, first in simple, and later in complex logistical chains of a network nature.
Money initially performed the intermediary function of the equivalent of goods in commodity relations. At the same time, at first money mimicked as a commodity, but today they have begun to roughly position themselves as a commodity.
This situation is demonstrated not only by regulators at the state and interstate levels, but also by network structures independent of the state, for example, large retailers that issue their own “money”. The ultimate form of reproduction of money as a commodity today is demonstrated by various kinds of virtual currency systems, for example, the market for so-called cryptocurrencies: Bitcoins, PPCoins, DogeCoins, etc.
With the advent of money, it was assumed that they would contribute to economic development. So, it was at first. However, in the future, money began to harm the body of the economy more and more noticeably. They fulfilled their historical mission, just as the ether fulfilled its historical role in physics, giving way to the electromagnetic field, and in human physiology, many organs of his phylogenetic ancestors, which we call rudimentary, for example, wisdom teeth, coccyx, etc.
They increase chaos more and more, stimulating the accelerated growth of disorder, which, according to Erwin Schrödinger, we define as entropy.
Money, by definition, is not capable of playing the role of an objective equivalent of a commodity, since, unlike it, it is available for reproduction in any quantity. This is often used by both unscrupulous or incompetent regulators and counterfeiters. Moreover, the banking system itself in its current form is not capable of meeting its obligations in full. We will be outraged if a car we bought with a declared engine power of three hundred HP, is really capable of issuing only ten percent of them. And that's the way it is with banks.
An objective equivalent of a good can only be such another good, for the production of which it is necessary to spend comparable resources. Art objects do not count, since their value in most cases is determined by market conditions, fashion, etc.
Only the transition to the gold standard of money can restore the world economy, bringing it out of the destructive regime of chronic disease. A more acceptable standard may emerge in the future.
Another major symptom of the disease of the entire economic system is the overproduction of money in the world, which does not correspond to the resource norm of the economy, which is not able to master them in such a volume. Under these conditions, corruption objectively manifests itself as a kind of drainage, which ensures that excess money from the real economy is dumped into individual accounts.
There is a clear pattern – the higher the level of corruption, the worse things are in the economy. It is clear that under these conditions one cannot count on any success in the next fight against the objective phenomenon that corruption appears to be. It is only a symptom of a severe chronic illness with a pronounced contagious, that is, contagious component.
If we accept the postulate that any pathological process in the economy is a natural program process, then it is necessary to learn how to read and manage these programs. Today we see attempts to act only on the symptoms, which is an imitation of control technology.
To control the system in the mode of adaptation to the requirements of the environment, it is necessary to enable the negative feedback mechanism. But this requires having an exhaustive consistent, therefore, systemic model of the economy. But there is no such model, and it is impossible by definition. Nevertheless, a rational strategy for the development of the economy may well be proposed. True, for this it is necessary to use a systemic approach to this problem.
There are also no relevant specialists, since there are no worthy teachers.
It is hard to believe, but it seems that the leaders of the economies demonstrate a critical lack of education. At the same time, the situation is more like a certain controlled process, when a subjectively expedient decision is made, but not socially useful.
This is how an oligarchy is formed.
The theme "Seven Global Problems" will be continued in the next article.