Wikipedia - the product of collective creativity, referring to various sources, gives a definition of this concept: "Intellect (from the Latin. Intellectus - understanding) - the quality of the psyche, which consists of the ability to adapt to new situations, the ability to learn from the experience, understanding and application abstract concepts and use their knowledge for the management of the environment." Ibid is definition from another source, which confuses us completely.
Intelligence is "Overall ability to learn and solve problems that unites all human cognitive abilities: sensation, perception, memory, idea, thought, imagination." Intelligence authors attempt a definition of "intelligence" often plays a cruel joke with them. Semantic and epistemological difficulties proved insurmountable.
Again before us demonstrated the strong anthropic principle in field of the multi-level system which has various the affects and effects.
I define "intelligence" on the basis of the content of this system concept. Intelligence - is the system's ability to take arbitrary decisions to ensure the maintenance and entropy tectological hostility within providing security. Intellect is the immanent attribute of all living organisms including human and prion. Touch system of any complexity cannot by definition have intelligence. It is always a logical machine, besides their logic - the logic of man who created them. That is cunning when assume that the machine has intelligence.
Of course, it's hard to imagine the presence of intelligence from a living protein, the virus or bacteria. However, it is so. In this strong-willed intelligence component increases from simple to complex forms of life. It increases the number of stochastic phenomena. At the level of the developed consciousness carrier number increases exponentially.
Intelligence tells me that on the way ordinary concepts and definitions. Intelligence, not to be mistaken with the choice!