Лаборатория системных технологий управления программами болезней продолжает междисциплинарный научно-познавательный цикл «Что такое болезни и как ими управлять». Сегодня 20.02.2020 наша тема в YouTube: «Жизнь и системный метаморфоз».
Laboratory of systemic technologies for managing disease programs continues interdisciplinary scientific and educational cycle “What are Diseases and how to Manage Them.” Today 02/20/2020 our topic on YouTube is: " Life and Systemic Metamorphosis."
Laboratory of systemic technologies for managing disease programs continues interdisciplinary scientific and educational cycle “What are Diseases and how to Manage Them.” Today 02/20/2020 our topic on YouTube is: " Life and Systemic Metamorphosis."