I am looking for a sponsor to publish and distribute my monograph: "Prolegomena to Systemic Metamedicine".
MD, PhD, (Dr. Med. 1980), Professor Valeriy Revo
Aging without Disease
Chronic diseases can lose their main quality – incurability. I described the details in my monograph: "Prolegomena to Systemic Metamedicine". People will be able to age without disease. The first time a physician can manage a disease program, not just symptoms. The monograph also presents other innovations, for example, an integration-ingression system for organizing the educational process, which prevents students from neurotizing. The reader will also find in the monograph 50 postulates of systemic metamedicine, in which the author presents the technological principles of forecasting, treatment and prevention of diseases of various phylogenetic origins. This monograph has no analogues. The monograph is addressed, first of all, to students of medical and biological profile, doctors, biologists, healthcare organizers, system specialists, IT specialists.
Key words: Systemogenesis of Diseases, Disease Programs, Systemic Metamedicine, Pathogenesis Management.
MD, PhD, (Dr. Med. 1980), Professor Valeriy Revo
Toronto, ON, Canada
Contact information: [email protected]
MD, PhD, (Dr. Med. 1980), Professor Valeriy Revo
Aging without Disease
Chronic diseases can lose their main quality – incurability. I described the details in my monograph: "Prolegomena to Systemic Metamedicine". People will be able to age without disease. The first time a physician can manage a disease program, not just symptoms. The monograph also presents other innovations, for example, an integration-ingression system for organizing the educational process, which prevents students from neurotizing. The reader will also find in the monograph 50 postulates of systemic metamedicine, in which the author presents the technological principles of forecasting, treatment and prevention of diseases of various phylogenetic origins. This monograph has no analogues. The monograph is addressed, first of all, to students of medical and biological profile, doctors, biologists, healthcare organizers, system specialists, IT specialists.
Key words: Systemogenesis of Diseases, Disease Programs, Systemic Metamedicine, Pathogenesis Management.
MD, PhD, (Dr. Med. 1980), Professor Valeriy Revo
Toronto, ON, Canada
Contact information: [email protected]