Doctor-hacker"Given the programmatic content of such a phenomenon of Nature as a disease, a physician must be a kind of hacker who can block the program of an existing disease and either cancel it or change it, ie, offer a more beneficial program for the organism in one of three streams (material, energy, information), and possibly in a combination of them". From: Рево В.В. Системная семиотика болезней человека и общества. М.: Логос, 2004. С. 197. (Table of contents and Digest in English). LC Control Number 2005427067. (Revo V. Systemic semiotics of diseases of man and society. M.: Logos, 2004. 312 p.). I suggested the principle of managing disease programs more than 15 years ago, but doctors, like in the Middle Ages, continue to struggle with symptoms. This is a good business, but it is expensive for the population and for the economy. MD, PhD, Professor Valeriy Revo