Лаборатория системных технологий управления программами болезней 04.02.2020 продолжает междисциплинарный научно-познавательный цикл «Что такое болезни и как ими управлять» по материалам двух частей 4-го издания моей работы «ПРОЛЕГОМЕНЫ БУДУЩЕЙ МЕТАМЕДИЦИНЫ». Сегодня я представляю следующие 25 постулатов будущей метамедицины.
Laboratory of systemic technologies for managing disease programs 02/04/2020 continues interdisciplinary scientific and educational cycle “What are Diseases and how to Manage Them”
based on the materials of two parts of the 4th edition of my work “PROLEGOMENA OF THE FUTURE METAMEDICINE”. Today I sent to YouTube next material of my scientific-educational cycle “What are Diseases and how to Manage Them” based on the materials of both parts of the 4th edition of my book “Prolegomena of the Future Metamedicine”. I presented in it the second group of postulates of the future metamedicine.
MD, PhD, Professor Valeriy Revo
Laboratory of systemic technologies for managing disease programs 02/04/2020 continues interdisciplinary scientific and educational cycle “What are Diseases and how to Manage Them”
based on the materials of two parts of the 4th edition of my work “PROLEGOMENA OF THE FUTURE METAMEDICINE”. Today I sent to YouTube next material of my scientific-educational cycle “What are Diseases and how to Manage Them” based on the materials of both parts of the 4th edition of my book “Prolegomena of the Future Metamedicine”. I presented in it the second group of postulates of the future metamedicine.
MD, PhD, Professor Valeriy Revo