Is examined possibility of limit development of the systemic potential of Homo sapiensL. It is shown that this resource is invariant for person.
Keywords: principle of relativity, social practices, hostility of environment, genius.
The appurtenance of social practice toward the humanitarian sphere deduced it into the space of wily meanings. In his blog: "Divergence of Sciences and Humanities - prologue impending catastrophe" I have shown that Object of Humanitarian sphere - a "world of conventional relations of subjects which represent only a meaning of these relations."
Attempts to find content in the humanitarian sphere continues, although its objects is a bysystems with fuzzy properties, because they have a high level of uncertainty. On the man level, this level is extraordinary. In the humanitarian sphere, the complexity of the system does not allow any object exhaustively to formalize. K. Gödel showed that it is impossible. However, researchers do not understand it. The reasons for this are obvious.
The other mechanism that limits human resource capabilities is Tectological a hostility of environment. Today, within certain limits, we can control this mechanism. A.A. Bogdanov imagined her as a consequence of the systemic superiority of environment by relation to the any element of the being. Environment forcing these elements to concur to its requirements. At the level of inert matter, these requirements express the uncompromising laws of Nature by the Newtonian to of the relativistic of scales.
At the level of living matter to formalize object is possible only on the systemic level, which preceded the appearance of Homo sapiens L. Here I must say again, that Homo sapiens the name with whom all the less reason to agree. Man cannot formalize exhaustively himself. And Tectological hostility of the environment here is not helper for him.
And what if you combine the systemic contents of the potential of two personalities? Will it double more or it increased many times? Here we should not forget that each individual in relation to another person - it is always an element of the environment, hence he represent this environment. So maybe the Tectological hostility of each person in relation to another can be increased twice or multiple times?
Here can be two standard variants. Two friends and two enemies. In the extreme case, total potential of the tectological of hostility of each will be determined only by the level of systemic organization of only by one of them. For the standard model Homo sapiens L. this rate known. In the first and second version, the total potential of the tectological hostile of environment for each of them will be remain at that level.
There is an interesting speculation on this subject. It is known relativistic formula for velocity addition of two photons in a frontal collision.
Vrel = It is obvious that all the members of the numerator and denominator of this fraction in our limiting case correspond to the total number of levels of system organization are represented in this body. Homo sapiens L. represent 5 levels of systemic organization of living system. We included these values in the formula. The result was predictable.
So now we know that connect of systemic combination of two and more Homo sapiens L. do not able to give birth to living for next level of systemic evolutionary generation. This principle works on all levels of systemic organization of living, off living protein, for example - prion, to Homo sapiens L. inclusive. Also we can say about the result of artificial synthesis of system resources between the two geniuses. Super genius we will not get.