Fragments of the book by MD, PhD V. Revo “Prolegomena to Future Metamedicine”. Part I. 2019.
Additive learning – is the definition of the form of education in which the student receives a certain amount of systematized information that meets educational standards, but does not ensure the formation of systemically related holistic knowledge. The training of a doctor is organized according to this principle, which is manifested, e.g., in the practice of an iatrogenic pandemic.
Information absorption (V. Revo, 2013) – is a term denoting the process of the maximum possible increase in the efficiency of the process of mastering educational material, the formation of new knowledge of the student. This is ensured by the systemic integration-ingression organization of the training system.
Information adsorption (V. Revo, 2013) – is a term denoting the process of partial or superficial study of educational material due to the lack of the necessary level of systematization of it.
Integration-ingression system of the organization of training (V. Revo, 2011) [36] – is the definition of a system-complementary technology of deductive pedagogy for the logical and semantic connection of subjects and topics at all stages of the learning process. The beginning of the presentation of the new teaching material in the next lesson should be a logical and semantic "bridge" from the previous topic to the topic of another academic discipline. This technology does not cause turbulence in the limbic system. It provides the best assimilation of educational material and prevents the development of neurosis in students. This is the main difference from the generally accepted practice of organizing the educational process.
To be continued
Additive learning – is the definition of the form of education in which the student receives a certain amount of systematized information that meets educational standards, but does not ensure the formation of systemically related holistic knowledge. The training of a doctor is organized according to this principle, which is manifested, e.g., in the practice of an iatrogenic pandemic.
Information absorption (V. Revo, 2013) – is a term denoting the process of the maximum possible increase in the efficiency of the process of mastering educational material, the formation of new knowledge of the student. This is ensured by the systemic integration-ingression organization of the training system.
Information adsorption (V. Revo, 2013) – is a term denoting the process of partial or superficial study of educational material due to the lack of the necessary level of systematization of it.
Integration-ingression system of the organization of training (V. Revo, 2011) [36] – is the definition of a system-complementary technology of deductive pedagogy for the logical and semantic connection of subjects and topics at all stages of the learning process. The beginning of the presentation of the new teaching material in the next lesson should be a logical and semantic "bridge" from the previous topic to the topic of another academic discipline. This technology does not cause turbulence in the limbic system. It provides the best assimilation of educational material and prevents the development of neurosis in students. This is the main difference from the generally accepted practice of organizing the educational process.
To be continued