The first version of the theme contained 40 scenes in which sex object representing the subject on a personal level. As it turned out, such relationships are amusing at the level of larger scale facilities, including the level of states. They do not differ in their systemic characteristics from the personality.
Any sexual relations have character of the expansion for one of the partners. Tectology (from the Greek τέκτωυ builder, creator and λόγος word, teaching) reveals systemic contents of these relations. This term I borrowed from the German naturalist Ernst Haeckel. It denotes the principles of the organization of living organisms. The outstanding Russian physician and philosopher AA Bogdanov (real name is Malinovsky) had used term "a tectology" for the designation universal organizational science, which he created.
I love to look for patterns in the various aspects of life. Therefore I performed some research on the systematization of the 40 most common forms of sexual conjugation between States. I found: 13 forms of sexual conjugation were caused by economic imperative in these relations, 13 – by political and 14 – by sadomasochistic. This confirmed the idea that the relationship even at the State level – is the same sex, but without the physiological content. And what can be physiology at the level of interstate relations, which dominates sadomasochism? This demonstrates the serious illness of humanity, with which it cope not. The situation is becoming more dangerous as the power capacity is growing exponentially, but the moral and ethical life does not change. Today, more than 1/3 of the forms of inter-state relations have sadomasochistic character. If countries that have weapons of mass destruction, begin to demonstrate these forms of relationships, it can be argued that humanity is on the verge of a global catastrophe.
Any sexual relations have character of the expansion for one of the partners. Tectology (from the Greek τέκτωυ builder, creator and λόγος word, teaching) reveals systemic contents of these relations. This term I borrowed from the German naturalist Ernst Haeckel. It denotes the principles of the organization of living organisms. The outstanding Russian physician and philosopher AA Bogdanov (real name is Malinovsky) had used term "a tectology" for the designation universal organizational science, which he created.
I love to look for patterns in the various aspects of life. Therefore I performed some research on the systematization of the 40 most common forms of sexual conjugation between States. I found: 13 forms of sexual conjugation were caused by economic imperative in these relations, 13 – by political and 14 – by sadomasochistic. This confirmed the idea that the relationship even at the State level – is the same sex, but without the physiological content. And what can be physiology at the level of interstate relations, which dominates sadomasochism? This demonstrates the serious illness of humanity, with which it cope not. The situation is becoming more dangerous as the power capacity is growing exponentially, but the moral and ethical life does not change. Today, more than 1/3 of the forms of inter-state relations have sadomasochistic character. If countries that have weapons of mass destruction, begin to demonstrate these forms of relationships, it can be argued that humanity is on the verge of a global catastrophe.